EV Charging Info

PEA Volta

PEA VOLTA Platform is a digital platform for managing electric charging that PEA has developed to facilitate electric vehicle users, including operators of electric charging stations and other related services, with a commitment to promote the use of electric vehicles in Thailand.

Currently, electric vehicle users can use the PEA VOLTA Charging Station and pay for services via the PEA VOLTA application, which consists of various convenient features. A single app that covers all charging issues.

charging station
PEA VOLTA Charging Station

PEA VOLA Charging Station provides three standard charging heads: AC Type 2 charging head (43 kW), DC CHAdeMo charging head (50 kW), and CCS Combo II (25 kW, 50 kW, 120 kW, 300kW, 360 kW). PEA VOLTA station network provides service along major routes to support travel throughout the country, covering routes to the North, South, East, West, and Northeast, starting from Bangkok, which has a service station inside the PEA headquarters.

Charging service rates

PEA determines the charging service rates based on the type of charging device and the time of use (Time of Use: TOU). The service fee is calculated based on the unit of energy used by electric vehicle users to charge at a rate that promotes and encourages the use of electric vehicles. The rates below will be effective from February 1, 2025 onwards.

Types of charging stationCharging service rates (including VAT)
Power < 50 kW6.95.3
Power from 50-99 kW8.26.3
Power from 100-299 kW8.56.5
Power from 300 kW and up9.77.2

Time of Use (TOU) rates are set according to the Provincial Electricity Authority's announcement on the time period for rates based on Time of Use (TOU).

PEA VOLTA Charging Station Map

How to use PEA VOLTA
Introduction to PEA VOLTA
Easy charging PEA VOLTA
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