Supply Reliability

Supply Reliability

Supply Reliability

Electricity is an essential public utility and a crucial driver of the economy and society. PEA strives to develop a digitalized smart grid system that will support the efficient use of electrical energy. PEA has power system reliability management, which forecasts single-station electricity demand using forecasting models and statistical methods. The forecasting results are analyzed for power station and transmission line planning, improving power system inspection and maintenance to reduce power outages and enhance system reliability with the Mobile Job Management (MJM) and Mobile for Field Operation (MFO) programs for inspection and monitoring of corrective actions for abnormalities in the high-voltage distribution and transmission systems, preparing to support the smart grid implementation, and improving the power system in the metropolitan fringe to enhance its efficiency.

Index of electrical system stability in 2022

Overall 1.76 34.98
Industrial estate and Industrial Zone 0.22 5.19
12 Major Cities 0.547 6.039
Pattaya Smart Grid Pilot Project 0.54 5.02
Microgrid Development Project at Mae Sariang 15.537 788.306
City and Municipality or Specific Area 0.71 12.57
Urban 1.04 19.16
Rural 1.48 28.14
Remote 2.20 45.84