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Using electricity safely

Using electricity safely

Using electricity safely

            For everyone the safe use of electricity is important in present electrical energy is very useful and it’s part of everyday life but electrical is dangerous energy if using incorrect methods May cause damage to life and asset.


Cause of danger from using electricity

- The installation of electrical equipment does not meet the standards such as electric cable, switch, sockets, electrical equipment.

- Power extension cord is over load such as connected to a large number of electrical equipment which can cause overloading and may cause a short circuit.

- Equipment or electrical appliances are not standards.

- Using defective electrical appliances.

- Direct touch to bare electrical cable while have current operate in the circuit.

- No turn off main circuit breaker while maintenance.

- Do not have leakage protection system.

- Helping people from electric shock by wrong method.


How to prevention electrical hazard.

- Installation electrical system following standards and properly designed.

- Do not connect power extension cord to many electrical devices.

- Use electrical appliances have standards such as TIS. Standards.

- Should not use defective electrical appliances because have chance short circuit current causing harm to user.

- Do not direct touch to bare electrical cable while have current operate in the circuit If necessary have to use the insulating material instead all part of body.

- Turn off main circuit breaker with measured voltage and current before maintenance electrical system every time.

- Install leakage current system such as install ground wire, install residual current circuit breaker etc.

- Properly helping people from electric shock by turn off main circuit breaker or use the insulating material for move out people from electrical current area.

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  • 21 January 2020
  • Author: Admin PEA
  • Number of views: 3330